Sunday Worship Services: 9:30 AM
Services are also livestreamed on our Facebook page: Facebook/OPLutheran

Please click on the link below for the order of worship to follow along from home.

You’re Welcome

Overland Park Lutheran Church | Bell Tower

The embodiment of our worship community at Overland Park Lutheran Church, “OP Lutheran,” lies within this simple phrase: Curious? You’re welcome. Hurting? You’re welcome. Seeking, searching? You’re welcome. Grateful for God’s love and presence. You’re welcome.

OP Lutheran’s rich, storied history of service to and for the God that has given us rich lives is a form of welcoming. So is the shoulder-to-shoulder worshipping and sharing that we experience each Sunday in our sanctuary. Compared to others, we may seem like a little church. But we know that we love and serve a Big God, who we welcome into our lives in our prayers, our worship and our service to others.

In the pages that follow throughout this website you’ll find that we support our prayers with action and sharing. We work to demonstrate to ourselves and others what a life lived in Christ is all about. We know we can’t repay what He’s done for us, but we try. And we want you to receive what He and we have to give.


Overland Park Lutheran Church Ministries


OP Lutheran traces its roots back to a branch Sunday School class and Sunday School has remained as our cornerstone ever since. Various education opportunities exist for all ages!


A group we not only greatly value as our future, but more importantly, a group whose future we place great value in as well. There’s always time to learn, time to serve, and time to play…


While our own ministry programs begin from within, they reach well beyond the walls of our building on Sunday mornings. Regardless of age, opportunities exist for all to be involved!


Together we can! OP Lutheran works alongside a number of worthy area organizations to help meet the needs of our community through various collections and service projects.

Upcoming Events

Church Council Meeting

February 13 @ 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Worship Service

February 16 @ 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

God Squad (Youth Group)

February 16 @ 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Choir Practice

February 19 @ 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Women’s Bible Study

February 19 @ 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

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Belief in the Signs

Belief in the Signs A wedding!  We’ve all attended weddings, we know what they’re all about.  Family and friends gather together to celebrate to people

Our Vision: “Overland Park Lutheran Church is a welcoming, Christ-centered place for all to worship, learn, and serve. We connect spiritually with God and each other, using Christ’s message to guide our ministries in our community. ”