OP Lutheran was founded on belief in solid spiritual education and that tradition continues today. Our education program includes opportunities for all ages, including youth and adult Sunday school classes, Bible studies throughout the month and other congregational happenings. Looking for Biblical and spiritual knowledge? You’re welcome!
Youth Sunday School
Even our youngest members are encouraged to grow in their faith at OP Lutheran. The youth education program here at OP Lutheran gives children age 3 through 6th grade an opportunity to come together to learn about God’s word and the promises we have through our belief in Christ Jesus.
Our Children’s Church is offered during the 9:30 a.m. service and is open to children in Kindergarten through 6th grade.
Adult Sunday School
There is an adult Bible discussion group that meets every Sunday. It is not a Bible study class but more discusses subjects of a scriptural nature. We are currently “Dwelling in the Word” each week after Coffee Hour and asking questions of the text for that week.
Women’s Bible Study
The Women’s Bible Study group meets the First Wednesday of each month beginning at 7:00 PM and is held in the Parish Hall. The group participants join together for fellowship and bible study. They also have an opportunity to support stewardship initiatives for the church.