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In light of the decision to discontinue the Seder Meal, Pastor Sue has arranged for a group tour and discussion of Passover Judaica at Temple B’nai Jehudah on Monday, March 18th, at 1:30 p.m.     Our coordinator,  Abby Magariel is asking for a headcount by March 12th.  If you are interested in attending the tour, please let Pr. Sue know by March 11th via email @ revtarkka.oplc@gmail.com, text or in person.
For those who work during the day, Pr. Sue is also happy to arrange a weekend date.  Please let her know if you have interest and she will arrange another tour.
We will discuss whether to meet there, or carpool from church when we know who will be attending.   Temple B’nai Jehuda is at 12320 Nall Avenue in Overland Park.
For more information about the Michael Klein Judaica Collection you can explore  via the website   https://bnaijehudah.org/klein-collection/

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